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Vista Refuses to Burn CD's & DVD'S Correctly

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Have you got your Nero installation cd? How about iTunes...can it be uninstalled without losing your music files?

What I'd like to try is to uninstall ALL the burning software you have installed on the machine...then clean things up and reinstall the cd drive. Install the software one at a time...Nero first...and try to burn a cd. I'll help with the cleanup...there are some specific things I want to do in that respect.
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Yes - you can uninstall iTunes without losing all of the music.

All of my music is backed up, and I have the CD for Nero. I'll uninstall everything I can.

Thank you so much for helping me; I know it seems like a vain problem, but really I need to burn discs for school and projects. I am an aspring filmmaker and to not be able to burn my own movies to DVD is a problem for me. And you know - having music in your car for the drive ain't bad either :whistling:

So thank you again Wannabe.

Edit: Everything has been uninstalled and I'm ready.

Edited by hysteria, 12 April 2007 - 06:07 PM.

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Ok...let's remove the Upperfilters and LowerFilters again the same way you did it earlier. Reboot.

Run Disk Cleanup from System Tools...have it remove everything it finds.

Click Start, then Run, type prefetch and click "Ok". You may have to click "Continue" a couple times to get the permissions. Once the folder opens, delete everything in the folder EXCEPT the ReadyBoot folder. Reboot 3 times to repopulate the folder with fresh files.

Uninstall your optical drive from Device Manager. Reboot.

Try burning a cd using Windows (data files) and/or Windows Media Player (media files). Are you able to complete the burn operation?
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I tried to burn an album in Windows Media - and it was told to burn it as an audio disc and it looked like it burned it as a data disc [from looking at what it burned on the physical CD]. The disc popped out the drive when it was "done" and everything. I put it in my CD Player and it didn't work.

BIG EDIT: It actually burned the disc as a data disc??? I've just installed Nero and I'm going to try and erase that disc and burn an audio disc. Hold on...

[See 2 Attachments]

Then I got this error saying it didn't burn correctly.

The "Web Help" Button took me here. Big help that was. At least it gives us an error number?

Attached Thumbnails

  • initial.jpg
  • initial2.jpg

Edited by hysteria, 12 April 2007 - 10:17 PM.

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In My Computer, right click on the optical drive and choose "Properties". Under the "Recording" tab, is it set like the image below?
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Nero is giving me a hard time; it's telling me that it's erasing my CD-RW but it's stalling and freezing? I'm going to try a regular CD. Hold on.

Attached Thumbnails

  • yes.jpg

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Well, this is all very strange to me.

First - Windows Media Player tries to burn an audio cd and burns a data cd instead?
Giving me some error and a link to a page where Microsoft says "We Don't Know What It Is! :help:"
But it burned.... right? All the data was there on the disc when I checked!

I erased the disc with Nero and it went to like 90% and popped out.
So I thought the disc had had enough, so I put a brand new CD-R in, and proceeded to burn the same album.

It started to burn and got stuck at 9% after only 2 minutes, then it hung limp for 3 more minutes and gave me an error. [See Image]

At least Nero gives you a log right? The log's attached, too.

Wannabe, maybe this is a lost cause.

I might have something that will help us - I have an external DVD-CD-R/RW burner that connects through USB.
I wonder if I use that - then maybe this stuff will burn correctly. That could tell us something, right?

Hmm... Well I'm still agrivated -- I put a disc in that drive and burnt it with Nero, and the device driver installed for it perfect and everything --- it started to hang up around 9% and I started to get sad.. :whistling: .. but then it just kept right on burning! But then it stopped again around 52% ... [Kick a guy while he's down why don't ya? :blink:]

At least that 2nd test with the external drive gave us another Log file [Log 2 in attached].

And my optical drive for the internal burner disappeared after I installed the driver for the external one, too. Shucks.

I just don't know what's the problem here; let's call it a night, it's gotta be real late where you are.
Shall we pick this up tomorrow? This is racking my brain way too much, and I can only imagine what's its doing to you on top of other peoples' problems.

Thanks W.

Attached Thumbnails

  • damn.jpg

Attached Files

  • Attached File  Log.txt   20.44KB   281 downloads
  • Attached File  Log_2.txt   17.67KB   298 downloads

Edited by hysteria, 12 April 2007 - 11:07 PM.

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There was another firmware update for my DVD-Drive [Link] but just like the last one it won't install. It says on the page that the update is for all computers up to XP. The file extracts itself to a folder and then brings up a command prompt saying "Target File Not Found." Is there anything else we can do here Wannabe?
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Sorry for the delay...I didn't see you had replied.

I was really leaning towards a bad drive, but as you have the same issues with the external drive, it's almost got to be a setting or software issue. Do you have your Vista disk handy? Is it OEM or retail?
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Yes I have the disc on me; do you think I need a fresh install?

Edit: However - when I installed that external drive my internal drive went offline and is not installed in Hardware Devices. I'm going to restart in effort to try and reinstall it. The tray won't even open. :\

2nd Edit: Nevermind :whistling: That is all fixed now. I'm ready to carry on.

Edited by hysteria, 15 April 2007 - 01:03 PM.

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Well, I guess Happyrck and I are going to look into the "IRQ's" - Please don't stop researching my problem Wannabe! You two are my only help in this.

The problem seems to be "Bad Block Errors" and if tinkering with the IRQ's are going to help fix that, then I'm all for it. I have faith in your team here at GeekstoGo!

And for either of you - I hope that those 2 logs that I posted a couple posts back can help you. Remember - Log 1 is from my Internal Drive and Log 2 came from an external that I installed the day of that log just to see if it'd work.

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I was thinking more of doing a repair to the OS rather than a reinstall.

Try the IRQ reassignments with happyrck and I'll keep looking. I'm just not seeing a reason for the burn failures.
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I looked in their Knowledge base here ... no joy... I would try calling them at 1(800) 421-1404 tell them if they can't get it to burn you are going to return it and get a different brand burner...might get them to at least try to help
as far as changing the IRQ settings..It scares me and I'm fearless..not sure how vista would react..lets leave that as a last resort...
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Well, if you're unsure about how the IRQ's would react in the first place, I certainly don't want to have their company alter my IRQ settings. I know that my other external burner acted the same way.

Do you still want to try and repair the OS Wannabe?
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Yes...try the repair. :whistling:
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