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Mac PowerBook G4 is down

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KtC Angel of Peace

KtC Angel of Peace


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So first the powerbook was fine...

But then one time I put it into my backpack without it's sleave, and carried it arround, now when I try to start it up, it doesn't load up. When I force shut it down, and forse start itup, I hear the fans going, but no "Dum" sound on the start up, and nothing on the screen. I tried putting in a CD, and it worked, it sucked it in, but now I can't eject it.

Any help besides buying a new computere?!?
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The "Dum" your referring to is the Apple POST. I would try to hook it up to an external monitor and running ASD (Apple Service Diagnostic) or the Apple Hardware Test from the CD that comes with your Powerbook.

When you boot your machine, hold down the eject button to pop out the disc. When you have your ASD or AHT disc in there, boot the machine holding down the D key to force boot to the disc.
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KtC Angel of Peace

KtC Angel of Peace


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Alright, well the Powerbook is up and going again, but now it is saying that there is no airlink hardware to be found.
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