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Vista installation changed my drive letters!

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My computer has three harddrives - C, D & E. I was currently running Windows XP on my D drive, and I wanted to install Vista in a dualboot configuration onto my E drive. The installation was successful, however Vista chose to relabel E as the new C drive! This causes conflicts with some programs that I run on both OS's, since the path will be different within each of them, as well as the confusion of having to remember that C & E are reversed depending on the OS I am running, however Computer Management's Disk Manager will not let me re-label drive C back to E, due to it being the system drive. My installation of Vista is new enough that reinstalling won't be a concern, if there's a way to get it to behave. W2K and 2000 never messed around with Drive Letters - this reminds me of woes with dualbooting with Windows 98!
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