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  • PipPip
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I have a 3.2ghz pent 4 running on a vista system. Is it worth it to use hyperthreading on my processor or should i not. I'm trying to get some pros and cons please.

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  • PipPipPip
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Hyperthreading is a native feature with nearly all pentium 4 (and beyond) processors. The only ones that don't have hyperthreading were the very first generation pent 4's.

By default, and I do not even believe it can be disabled, hyperthreading is used. There is no way for it to inversely effect your system, so don't worry about it.
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Hyperthreading can be disabled, though it is enabled by default. You should use it, unless you have a specific reason not to. A processor with hyperthreading enabled has up to a 30% performance increase versus an identical processor with hyperthreading disabled. The only con I can think of is that it is energy inefficient.
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