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Mempile claims 1TB DVD-size optical disc

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Retired Tech

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Israeli technology company Mempile claims that its TeraDisc technology is now capable of storing up to 1TB of data.

The company demonstrated the concept to several Japanese manufacturers by recording and reading over 100 virtual layers on a single DVD-sized optical disc.

The demonstration showed Mempile's capability of recording at least 500GB of data on what appears to be a simple plastic transparent disc.

This is 300GB more than the announced roadmap of competing blue-laser technologies in 2010. Current high definition optical formats such as Blu-ray can store up to 50GB of data.

The firm hopes to introduce products using this technology by 2010, initially aimed at the archiving enterprise market.

The units will sell for around $2,000 to $3,000 with discs probably retailing around $40.

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