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Hello again,
I guess this being a random discussion room sort of any thing goes, any way, I been thinking and looking around and watching some, I noticed on crusty's profile, one of his pet hates is, computer techs, thats all well and good and as he stated the one that got sprung useing you guys to do his work while he got paid, bad business for sure, but im just going to throw this out there and see what happens, I have noticed people post and are helped pretty much instantaneous and that is great, I posted yesterday some time and not even a sniff, im just thinking maybe seeing as my profile has been looked at 3 times that some folks may get the feeling that im a comp tech because I like to play around with comps, id like to say, it isn't so, before my back went I was a mechanic, and I have a natural urge to see how things work, plus I like to use my brain, it keeps me from sitting in the corner and dribbling, and now I have got a little paranoid about it (you all thinking im a tech and thats why im not getting help) and so I changed my profile a little to reflect that it is only a hobby, im trying to get my box fixed so I can go play cards again in yahoo, my browser keeps shutting down on me, I have tried so many things to get it back again but to no avail so alas im in here asking for help which is something im not used to doing, asking for help that is, im usually pretty self sufficient and stumble through things, oh well Im done rambling and whining. peace all.

Norm . . .
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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i can assure you you're not being punished...we don't pick and choose who get's help by who we like or don't like...and our problems with computer techs are when they are abusing our services and getting paid for the work we do..

you need to understand that everyone here is a vollunteer (even the owner of the site does this for fun). We all have real lives...some of us even have jobs..etc... so instantanious help isn't going to happen often...also some people have specialties...so if they see something that they know they can fix immediately...they'll probably take that thread first since they have a higher chance of resolving the issue...

you also need to concider that there are 200,000 + members here...that's alot compared to the small staff...we're a little outnumbered in this regard...so delays will happen

aslo...our services are 100% free...kinda looking a gift horse in the mouth isn't it?
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aslo...our services are 100% free...kinda looking a gift horse in the mouth isn't it?

Yes Sir it is, and please beleive me when I say I was not in any way trying to cause strife, that is the furtherest thing from my mind, the thought never even entered my mind about maybe there is specialities regarding spyware removal, I thought spyware was spyware, I stand corrected, and please accept my most humble appology, I feel really bad now, I guess I only open my mouth to change feet, I am so sorry. Im gonna go sit in the corner now and leave ya'll to it, I am really sorry please accept my appology. peace and Blessings.

Norm . . .
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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hehe don't feel bad....you won't get a beating....some people just don't realize how we opperate and think that their problem is the only thing that matters...which to them...is the truth...if your computer isn't working the way you want it to...it can get stressfull
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