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"Run" or "Save" not working with Vista...

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Hey all,

I have recently bought a new PC with Vista installed. I am having problems with running programs and DL'ing them from the net. The first I am trying to access is Victor Chandler Poker (www.vcpoker.com) and the same thing is happening to other programs. Basically, the site gives a link to a setup.exe and as usual, you can choose to Run or to Save the exe. When I choose Run, the DL takes place then *nothing* happens. No new process even attempts to start, nothing. If I choose to Save, the exe DL's, then Vista tries to copy from temp to correct location, taking about 3 minutes for a 165k file, then completes, but the file isn't there.

Is it just me, or does Vista have a miriad of issues that make it not worth using right now? If I can't get any joy, I think I'll reinstall XP or convert to Linux

Any help is greatly appreciated, I've wasted 6 hours hammering my head against the wall, thanks in advance,

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It's best to have programs downloaded to a specific folder instead of a temporary directory.
You should also click 'save' then 'open folder', when the download is complete. Right click on the item and either click Run or Run as Admin.
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Thanks, but the problem is that when I try to save to a specific directory, the actual file doesn't appear in that directory. I tried to save to my desktop and the file looked as if it was there, but when I try to access it Vista says it does not exist. I refresh the desktop and it disappears. It seems that Vista just really doesn't like it
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