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vista 64 or 32?

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Hi, Im not too sure about whether to get Vista 64 bit or 32 bit, because I dont know what the requirements of 64 bit are. Is it just the processor? Because my processor is an AMD Athlon 64 3800+ X2, which (I think, not too great with computer hardware) is 64 bit.
Any help appreciated, thanks
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All you need is a 64 bit processor which you have, if you use better hardware from the big companies for your peripherals and nothing overly fancy then 64bit should be fine its biggest problem is lack of drivers but other than that its the best of the two its faster than 32bit more secure its really what Vista is supposed to be the 32bit is more compatible but slower and less secure. Up to you look see if you can get drivers for any specialised peripherals and make you decision i prefer the 64 personally.
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Oh o.k thanks I was going to go with the 32-but to be safe but I'll go with the 64 because I need all the performance I can get.

My specs are:

AMD Athlon 64 3800+ X2
Nvidia 7800GT
1GB Corsair RAM + 1GB Corsair XMS Gaming RAM (mixing until I can afford another 1GB of XMS)
ASUS A8N SLI-SE Motherboard
130GB SATA-II hard drive

Cheers for all your help anyway
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