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Electric blankets 'raise womb cancer risk'

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Retired Tech

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Women who regularly use electric blankets to keep warm at night could be more at risk of cancer of the womb, according to a new study.

Scientists believe the blankets may expose women to low levels of electromagnetic radiation. The findings add to the controversy over whether electromagnetic fields in the home are dangerous.

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There was no scientific research or any links to the studies they did?
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Retired Tech

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There is a link for the abstract

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Thanks for the link....the only thing I am not finding is the frequency of usage of electric blankets.
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    GeekU Admin

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Using electric blankets was associated with a 15% higher prevalence of endometrial cancer than never having used electric blankets (odds ratio=1.15, 95% confidence interval: 1.03-1.27). After controlling for variables significantly associated with endometrial cancer, use of electric blankets for 20 years or more was associated with 36% higher prevalence of endometrial cancer (odds ratio=1.36, 95% confidence interval: 1.16-1.59). Although we were unable to determine the duration of electric blanket use before diagnosis of endometrial cancer, we found that women using electric blankets for 20 years or more had a significantly higher prevalence.

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    Member 5k

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You know its getting to the point where they should just make a list of things that dont increase your risk of cancer.
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  • Guest
I mean the amount of time on average per day.....that sort of thing.

And I agree with you WarriorScott...every day they say something causes cancer, half the time it turns out if prevents it. lol.....salt comes to mind.
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