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Could i have some help with uni subjects

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I just got back from this careers school expo thing.
Where buisnesses turn up and make you wanna work for them.
I personally want to go to uni but i have no idea what to choose.
Could anyone tell me about photonics and nano science?
thats probably the only thing im interested in there.
Chemistry is also a course but it seems so boring and like its just harder stuff to what im learning now.
Physics isnt a choise in any of the australian unis ive looked at.
I thought i could like
choose a math course. I really love math.
The other thing i kinda wanna do is weapons engineering. As silly as it sounds.
Does anyone know anything about it?
The thing ive been aiming for. The reason all these hard subjects flew into my life was because on quantum physics (mechanics) what ever you wanna call it.
I have no idea about how to get there, or where to start. I understand its a really complex thing but im just curious about it and what it takes.
Rekon anyone could help me out?
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