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Uploading trouble at youtube

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All of a sudden when I go to upload, instead of seing the progress bar on the UL page start, and progress, the button just greys out, I hear no navigational sound, and then it just stalls, eventually locks up everything(most of the time), or slows it to standstill (a couple times out of many tried).

It does this on 3 computers, all on on same cable modem. Have tried unplugging, resetting , whatever with that...

Is this a youtube thing, a cable modem thing, a common thing with all 3 of my computers or what?

It worked perfect just yesterday.

Firefox 2.003 browser on 2 XP home pc s , and 1 windows me laptop, all same results basically

Any ideas?

Edited by mequestion, 04 May 2007 - 03:48 AM.

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OK, still looking for an answer here...


Ya know, I had one computer that cleared up somehow, then I installed ZoneAlarm's latest version earlier today, now suddenly, it is crawling at a snail's pace to upload...

Can anyone offer any help, any help at all?

These are both XP computers, am up to date on windows updates, run anti-virus and anti-spyware, whatever...

Edited by mequestion, 18 May 2007 - 11:44 PM.

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