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Losing Patience! Audio Sync Problems!

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I have a collection of about 35 mpeg video files (random little clips that equal about 3 minutes when combined) & I'm trying to combine them into 1 file. The audio sync is good on the source files, but when I use a program to merge them audio sync is all messed up by a couple of seconds.

I've tried these programs and all have failed:

Media Join 1.0



I converted them to AVI files and tried using Virtual Dub Mod to join and it failed.
I tried using YAAI to fix audio sync and it seemed to have no affect on the merged file.

While still in AVI format, I used AVI-Mux GUI 1.17.7 to delay the audio stream and on some clips of the combined file it worked and on some it didn't. So the audio is in sync on one portion of the file and on another it's out of sync.

What could the problem be or I should say how do I fix it?

Edited by leedownen123, 12 May 2007 - 09:51 AM.

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Well to start with you could open the joined files with virtualdub and look at the log and see if they are properly joined. Many joiners just concatenate the files with the ms-dos join command so that the joined file doesn't have a proper header.

An excellent tool for joining, splitting and repairing mpegs is M2Edit Pro. I've never had a bad result with it.
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hm...Allok Video Joiner seems to have done the trick.
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