Well, Im here today to find out how to keep a perl script open in command prompt after I run it.
If I wanted it to close I would close the window.
If I was to run this script:
!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Net::DNS; use NetAddr::IP; my $ip = new NetAddr::IP (shift) || die "Unable to create NetAddr::IP object\n"; my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new; my $num = $ip->num(); for (my $i=0; $i<=$num; ++$i) { my $ip_address = $ip->addr(); if ($ip_address) { my $query = $res->search("$ip_address"); if ($query) { foreach my $rr ($query->answer) { next unless $rr->type eq "PTR"; print "$ip_address,",$rr->ptrdname, "\n"; } } else { print "$ip_address,",$res->errorstring,"\n"; } } ++$ip; }
and I run:
perl Reverse-DNS Lookups.pl (ip of website)
it will just close. And I got this source code from: http://geekpit.blogs...everse-dns.html
But I wanted to type it out.
Anyways. Please help!
Thanks in Advanced.