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Vb.net help

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hi am new to VB.net and have been trying to produce a gas bill program but im a bit stuck. im basicly try useing 4 text boxs to gather the require informations, then storeing it into a lstbox rdy for print at a later stage. i can get the information to how you in the list box but i need to be able to times two inputs and display the reult in the list box as a currency, but i am haveing no luck.

[codebox]Public Class Form1
Dim myformat As String = "{0, 10}{1, 18}{2, 16}{3, 18}"

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

lbout.Items.Add(String.Format(myformat, "Customer Num", "Customer Type", "Gas Used", "Cost of Gas"))
End Sub

Private Sub butadd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles butadd.Click
Dim customernumber, customertype, gasused, unitcost As String
Dim cost As Integer

customernumber = txtnum.Text
customertype = custtype.Text
gasused = txtgas.Text
unitcost = costunit.Text

cost = unitcost * gasused
lbout.Text = cost

lbout.Items.Add(String.Format(myformat, customernumber, customertype, gasused, costunit, cost))


End Sub

Private Sub butexit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles butexit.Click
End Sub
End Class

if oyu need more information or a copy of the program so far just ask

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Alright, multiplying 2 numbers and displaying the result as currency is what we are aiming for, right?

Dim a As Integer
Dim b As Integer
Dim c As Integer 'If you need decimals, use Single instead of Integer.
Dim currency As String
a = 4
b = 6 'These numbers are for example purposes only.
c = a * b
currency = "£" + CStr(c) 'We are using British pounds, right?

The above code will display £24 in ListBox1. Hopefully you can go from there, and adjust it to fit your needs. If you have any questions, please ask.
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thanks alot for your help it now works perfectly, stettybet0 you are a person of godly knowledge

many thanks again
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