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How do you change video size

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Okay so recently I edited a video with adobe premiere, and I encoded it as a .wmv file. This was all fine and dandy until I went to play it. The video was very small, and when I went to full screen mode it was very pixilated and choppy looking. So my question is: Is there any possible way to increase the video size without sacrificing quality?
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Retired Tech

Retired Tech

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If you hold the cursor over the file and it shows kbps or kbits /s, 5000 is good 8000 is very good

Look at adobe premiere for an option to set the kbit /s rate to use when you transcode the file
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okay so it's at 900kbps...which is obviously not good...um is it possible to important that file into adobe premiere and re-encode just the final product...or would i have to go back to the raw footage...because i don't know if i have access to the raw footage anymore
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Retired Tech

Retired Tech

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See if you can make a clip from the file you have, then see if adobe will use a higher rate, if so, see if the clip is better
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