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College student creates "trippy" version of Pong

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It takes some serious math to make something this trippy. To create a video game that's sort of like playing Ping-Pong while floating in melted lollipops, George Mason University student Stephen Taylor spent more than a year wrestling through algorithms, fluid dynamics and computer coding.

Taylor created a version of "Pong," one of the earliest and most iconic video games, a dead-simple screen with a ball blipping between two paddles -- and made it psychedelic. Creepy electronica music rises to a crescendo as colors swirl around the liquid current. (Are those monks chanting, or tortured souls?)

It's over the top, freaky, high-speed and mellow all at once.

Read more here.
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    Malware Staff

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Wow, that looks interesting. (Now I know what a day in Ozzy Osbornes life would be like).
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    Member 5k

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Nice to see this great game get some good coverage its been around a fair while its really fun runs on most comps as well.
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