Infants should be fed exclusively with breast milk or formula milk for the first six months of their lives then weaned straight on to solids.
I may not be an "Expert", or a doctor. However, I've raised a couple of babies in my time, and am helping with a granddaughter. I completely DISAGREE with the above part. NO two babies are the same. how the heck can you set one standard across the board? Some babies are ready for cereal and the like much earlier than others. I have always let the BABY decide when they're ready for cereal. It's quite easy to tell. You give them formula or breast milk increasingly often, and they still are not satisfied. That's the point where you know it's just not enough anymore. Why let your baby starve and be hungry constantly, just because some "Expert" said so??!! I've never understood that. I let my babies be the guide, and they are healthy and well adjusted. They learned motor skills just fine on time, etc and so on. OH! And they aren't and never were "overweight" either, like some other "Experts" claim can happen. Both of them have always been quite on the "petite" side of the scales.
Infants should be fed exclusively with breast milk or formula milk for the first six months of their lives then weaned straight on to solids.
I also DISAGREE with the above statement - as you stated, some babies are ready for solids earlier, and some are not, and the only way you will know that is if you notice that the lil one is not getting enough from the formula/breatmilk is to monitor the situation - If a baby takes the food in, and you notice a reaction, then you know that theier system cannot handle it, and you keep making changes and trying solids and cereals on and off, and you will enetually find foods that the baby can tolerate - Of course, you will also find foods that you offer going IN, and sometimes right back OUT if they don't like it hheheeh
When my oldest Nephew was born, my brother Scottie was a new Dad, and he would read book after book after book, and he got into his head that if a book SAID
Feed baby every 4.5 hours then he would stick like glue to the schedule. One day little Justin was crying because he was hungy - he was crying so hard that the poor guy was shaking. His wife said she thought Justin was hungry, and Scott said that he was fed an hour ago, and he should NOT be hungry again until some rediculous time, such as 1 hour and 15 minutes. My sister in law says to him "If you wanna explain to your son why he can't eat now, and you can deal with his crying, Go ahead and do it, but as long as I have to listen to him cry, that isn't happening, so get that boy a bottle, NOW!"
Needless to say, that was the problem, because he was hungry.
I don't think that "experts" really can guage the way some babies develop, because some develop faster then others. All the books in the world can guide you, but you have to be prepared to throw that (book knowledge) to the wind when it comes to raising kids - What I mean is that what works for some kids may not work for others, and You are right, Kat, you can't set standards like that, because all babies are different and sometimes you run on your instincts
That is why Books are great, but a MOTHER has instincts as well, and she has to allow the baby to set the pace and tell her what works and what doesn't