This is not a biggie, but I believe it should be considered. I think we should rename HJT in the malware forum to the way it is properly spelled.
Ubuntu Forums does this thing, whereas you type the title into the topic field, and it brings up a list of similar threads. Imagine how many unneccesary threads would.. Not exist.
That is a very nice feature IDS. I'll see what we can do.
A little more explanation to keep others from having to register at Ubuntu Forums to view it in action:
Between the topic title, and the post window (about where
Poll Options are here) the following message is displayed:
Notice: When you enter a thread title the system will search for similar threads which have already been posted. That should help you to find answers.
After the Topic Title is entered it changes to:
Here are the similar threads we found:
...similar topic block here
Please take a look at those threads before you start a new one.