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The poodle whose ID went walkies on the web

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Retired Tech

Retired Tech

    Retired Staff

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It's not the type of incident that police are used to investigating. But they already have a couple of leads.

The crime in question is online identity theft. And the victim is a prize-winning poodle.

Details of the two-year-old pedigree pet, named Afonwen Welch Fusilier, were posted on the internet by proud owner Lynne Day, 63, from Tremeirchion in North Wales.

But a conman stole the details from the site and is passing the dog off as his own. He claims that Afonwen Welch Fusilier - pet name Blue - has given birth to puppies, despite being male.

The mystery man, who calls himself Henry Daf and whose registered address turns out to be a Glasgow graveyard, is touting the phantom puppies to potential buyers.

Pups in the Afonwen pedigree can fetch up to £1,000 each.

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