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Microsoft backs Digital Pipeline to Africa

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Retired Tech

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Companies looking to dispose of old PCs in an environmentally friendly but secure way can make use of a new charity backed by Microsoft which sends refurbished computers to the developing world.

Digital Pipeline, launched on Wednesday, began life in 2004 and developed out of Microsoft's ICT-in-schools project, African Pathfinder. The charity aims to make better use of the 31 million PCs that research shows end up in landfill worldwide every year.

Not-for-profit Digital Pipeline acts as an umbrella organisation, bringing together charities that specialise in sending refurbished machines to Africa, such as the UK's Computer Aid, with businesses that are looking to dispose of their old PCs. Digital Pipeline also helps to connect potential recipients of donated PCs with donor organisations.


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    Je suis Napoléon!

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....uh...well...computers are really gonna make an impact in those villages that don't have running water or electricity yet...

i understand that there are lare areas of africa with well developed infrastructures...but those people can afford computers
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Retired Tech

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It is suprising that 31 million PC's still end up in landfill when most developed countries have PC re-location charities

There are plenty who live in developed countries who cannot afford a PC
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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indeed! not saying that they should go to the landfill...maybe they should send them all to wannabe?
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I put mine in the landfill. I take the HD's wipe them, then have 10 holes drilled through them, take any salvage parts, then the rest goes into a new land formation.

I dont recycle anything actually...maybe I should....nah, cant teach an old dogs new tricks :whistling:

Now if I could go somewhere and drop the computers off to be used for schools and things in my local area I would. I tried calling the schools around but they dont want them, heck the schools have better PC's than the office workers here.
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