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It may be a simple problem of settings but I am baffled. I have quite a number of items which form my display when I press the START button. These form two columns when I press to access one of them. Every so often I go to access them with the START only to find I have a display comprising, on the left, My name as the heading and underneath a black window. On the right, beside it I have a short column displaying a few programmes.

Also when this happens I press the 'All programmes' button and it will not function.

If I RESTART then all my display returns. Anyone help with this, please.
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    Malware Expert

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I'm not quite following you..."Desktop Display"...are your shortcut icons missing? See this if that's the problem:

If it has to do with the start menu and programs, you can right click on the start button, choose properties and click on the "Classic Start Menu" button. Click apply and okay
That should give you the look of XP.
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Thanks Jacee,
My apologies. In completing the headings for the entry I have misled readers. The problem lies purely with the START button. Again this morning as I pressed START all I got was the scenario described in my first entry. The black window on the left column and 'My pictures' My music' 'My computer' and the 'run' and 'search' on the right. Again the All programs button failed to bring up the programs. As soon as I did a RESTART all was back to normal.
It is the text items that do not appear. The pretty icons on the desktop are all in good health!

Edited by cigos, 30 July 2007 - 04:47 AM.

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