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Apple sued over IPhone battery

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    Je suis Napoléon!

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i've got the zen vision M...kicks your ipod video's butt
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Too 'spensive
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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eh...$300 bucks when i bought it...probably cheaper now....money well spent in my book
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I think people will begin to realize this themselves and when the next decent MP3 player comes out it should begin taking a fair share of the market, but nothing special has come out yet. I find all the Ipod is, is a phase, as there really is nothing all that special with it.

Ever looked at the Zune?

The problem is it's only available to the USA, I'm in canada and still waiting.
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The iPod is too expensive, for no reason. I mean, come on, paying $150 for a 2GB player with a small screen, no radio & video? That's laughable. The Zune? No reason to buy it, it's practically a rebranded Toshiba, and Microsoft's software sucks as always (you have to install it). The file sending feature is cool, only they ruined it with DRM. Oh, and, Zune has a very nasty meaning in Hebrew. It's something on the variation of intercourse between a man and a woman... *whistles*

Anyway I got myself a Samsung 4GB YP-T9b for 230$C from Best Buy, and I tell you, it's a beauty. Excellent screen (although being small, it's very watchable) where you can watch movies and photos, radio + radio recording, voice recording, text reader, and most gadgety -- Bluetooth :whistling: It's really cool, you can hook up your phone to it via BlueTooth and answer/dial calls with it. You can also transfer files with it -- It's great.

Judge by yourself, are you willing to pay so much for the interface only? Sure, my player has a worse interface than the iPod has, but it's much better otherwise :blink: Plus I don't need to use that hellish iTunes, Windows recognizes it and I can use it as a hard drive without having to download additional software.
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