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Reformatting Vista?

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I've recently bought a new Acer Travelmate 6292 laptop with Vista installed on it. It didn't come with boot-up/reformatting disks. The guy at the counter said that it didn't need one for formatting. I know at some point in the future I always end up restoring the system but does anyone know how to do it without disks? Is there a new method of restoring computers now without the main cd-roms and dvd-roms?

Thanks in advance! :whistling:
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Neil Jones

Neil Jones

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Most branded computers these days come with built-in system recovery software that sits on the hard drive.

Normally an option is provided for you to make your own recovery CDs that does the same job which you can use as and when the hard drive packs up.
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    Global Moderator

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You should also be able to go to Acer's website and order the discs for abou5t $20 or so.
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Thanks for your replies!

I was wondering whether the terms recovery and reformatting mean the same thing?

One thing I've done in the past is delete all my .dll files by mistake and as a result I was locked out of my os so if the only way to recover is by clicking on the recovery button on the os and I can't access it, then my laptop may be unusable if something happens and I get locked out of the os.

There is a ePowering Technology located on this laptop and theres an eRecovery Management option, allowing you to make all sorts of cds. So if I just make a factory backup, then will it include Vista and all the programs that came with the laptop? And also will I be able to use it on an event if I can't get access to my o.s. or if I forget a password to the computer (which you have to reboot in that case)?

Sorry, about the questions, I'm quite a newbie to this! :whistling:
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