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distro and forum please

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Hi, I don't think anything puts off someone new to linux more than trying out a distro only to find that he or she is alone so my goal here is not to pug any one distro, since needs and tastes change with time and goals, it is stop someone trying out a distro without the help of that forum as in buying a linux mag from the newsagents, or straight downloading and burning the ISO from a linux site. (For example I never found the forum for mandriva linux even though I like very much the distro and googled for it, I had to uninstall.)

So please feel free to add to the list below, change the order as you see fit and add any comment about the distro you present.

system rescue cd
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Fedora Core7. On my sig.
Fedora Forums. On my sig.
Fedora Solved http://fedorasolved.org/

very nice

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