I'm interested because I'm having general problems with my Mac. And suddenly--as of just last week, I'm getting a lot of spam in my Mac Mail. A lot? Believe it or not: 200,000+ per day. I've found a utility (SpamSieve) for this so at least all this no longer gets to my inbox. But as soon as I delete these hundreds of thousands of spam, even as I'm deleting them (and this takes up to an hour to do, I'm receiving more spam. So far today I've got 17,964 spams.
My OS is Mac OS X, Version 10.4.10.
I found a free virus checker for Macintosh at ClamXav. Did a scan and came up with a Worm.SomeFool.P. Now there's a tool for removal available at Symantic for Windows only. Any idea how to remove it from the Mac? ClamXav doesn't remove it.
Is this not worrisome? When a Mac gets infected with a worm, I fear for the PC's.

Edited by Robert Tracy, 11 August 2007 - 06:27 PM.