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Woman has rare identical quadruplets

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A 35-year-old Canadian woman has given birth to rare identical quadruplets, officials at a Great Falls hospital said Thursday. Karen Jepp of Calgary, Alberta, delivered Autumn, Brooke, Calissa and Dahlia by Caesarian section Sunday afternoon at Benefis Healthcare, said Amy Astin, the hospital's director of community and government relations.

The chances of giving birth to identical quadruplets is about one in 13 million

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    Malware Expert

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wow thats a lot of messy diapers
but on the upside if she lived in Aus that would be worth 16 k :blink:

I don't think I could handle 4 in one shot like that :whistling:
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    Retired Staff

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Truly amazing!
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Wow, $16,000 I could stop work for half-a-year...
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