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How can I rip my dvds to my PC in files suitable for WMM?

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Hi all, PLEASE can you help me? My dad copied footage from my video camera today to DVD and it is all mixed up, I wanted to put the files on my PC and then put them into windows movie maker to edit it, Well I have been downloading for over two hours now and NOTHING works :whistling:
I want a freeware programme as I am totally broke but the few I found like Shrink and a DVD decrypter made NO SENSE and when I managed to save the files to PC with the decrypted they were not compatible with Windows Movie Maker :blink:

PLEASE PLEASE help, I need to convert my DVD to make it suitable for WMM but it needs to be free and easy can you help?

PS I did try some free trails ALL with the water mark across the page :help: :help: xxx

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Retired Tech

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The trial version of Nero will give you a month without watermarks

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thanks so much does this have a 50% limitation? I cant believe the amount of dam programmes I have installed only to get 50% done and it hasnt been good enough quality to bother buying :whistling: xxx

Edited by kaytee576, 18 August 2007 - 08:12 PM.

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Retired Tech

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No limitations

If you will do a lot of editing it is sensibly priced
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