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Best album released this year?

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Matt L

Matt L


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IMO, it's the Minutes to Midnight album done by Linkin Park.
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I agree. I conctantly listened it about 2 month.
Now I have 2 new relises for me. This is Underclass Hero - Sum 41 and Good morning revival - Good Charlotte.
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the Minutes to Midnight album by Linkin Park got absolutely slated by critics and fans when it was released. With the exception of two songs it was a dreadful album and doesn't compare to Hybrid Theory. Strange somebody putting that as their favourite album.

Don't think I've actually bought a music cd this year, rather listen to the old stuff :whistling:
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    GeekU Admin

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I haven't heard much of the new Linkin Park, but I do own all their other cds. I'd have a hard time picking best album released, just like I have a hard time picking favorite song. I often buy several cds a month, and my tastes are constantly changing. Also, I tend to buy a cd and then play it to death and then move on to the next one.
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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i've been very dissapointed with my "favorite bands" that have released new cd's this year (interpol's new cd is blah...the kings of leon's new cd is junk...the new white stripes is nothing to write home about.....not a fan of the new arctic monkeys...) so far not a great year for music...i've picked up a few new bands (check out murder by death....really neat stuff)...but only old cd's nothing released this year from anyone

anything involving sum 41 or good charlotte should go in the "worst album ever released" column IMO....JUNK!
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The problem with these threads is that it's so subjective. If you hate rap, then you're not going to think that the new Kanye West cd is the best ever (just an example, don't jump on me!). If you like rap but hate alternative, then you're going to disagree with what has been posted here. If you only listen to classical music, you're going to hate everything else.
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Definitely NOT Minutes To Midnight. Not a patch on their previous released.

I have to say I'm enjoyed Interpol's new album and Queens Of The Stone Age too. Both very good albums (in my opinion).

But the best album released this year would have to be Bat's For Lashes. Nominated and widely tipped to win the Mercury Music Prize this year, but was beaten by Klaxons (I might've said their album but I think it was released in '06?)

Not sure what the population of American users is, but (not meaning to sound patronising) you might not have heard of the latter two acts.
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