I am new here so if this topic has already been covered and I missed it, please bear with me.
A few days ago I received my replacement notebook from Gateway and to my shock it has the dreaded VISTA Home Premium OS on it! I have been trying to install my PhotoImpact 5, but I keep getting this error message: "\PI5\SETUP.EXE." is missing. It always setup fine on ME and XP, so where would this .exe file have gone to anyway? And, is there a place where I can download this .exe? Then, once downloaded will I be able to finally install PhotoImpact 5? There is no online support any longer for this version through the PhotoImpact site.
I do not want to spend the bucks for a new FULL version of PhotoImpact 12 and I do not qualify for the half-price upgrade because the lowest acceptable version is version 6. Furthermore, I cannot access the code key without it being installed. The version I have has always worked just fine for me and is the one I am familiar with - haven't found anything I like better in a different program.
My ability level is a conservative intermediate with an excellent learning curve, so I am not affraid to tackle more complex problems.
Thank you in advance for your consideration of my plight.