You say you're not asking us to do your homework, yet you've stated everything you need and say the sites you've found are too complicated to understand. i would hope that you've been able to find a good bit of this on your own already. For example, languages used should be something you can determine through research without it being too complicated. If you were to post back with a specific question, maybe asking for clarification of something you've read, then we may be able to help you. As it is, your question is too broad and makes it appear as if you're unable to answer any of this. Go do more research and then come back if you're stuck on a particular issue.
That's the exact problem. I spent hours searching on Google and such last night and found nothing regarding programming languages..
That is what I was asking, if anyone new any websites which covered the areas I was asked to cover..
So far I have tried Wikipedia and searched on Google the headings and other things.
So, I will rephrase my question as I was obviously too vague. Does anyone know of any good websites to find out about those areas I stated specifically? Am I looking in the wrong places?
I look forward to any feedback.
P.S - Sari, I'm disappointed that you would think I would cheat. I believed that this website was designed to help others, not accuse them unfairly of cheating.
Edited by tiroshii, 06 September 2007 - 10:46 AM.