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School project on AI

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Hey guys.

I recently took up an A level in Computing. As my first assignment I have been asked to produce a presentation on Artificial Intelligence.

We must cover the following areas;
  • Technology involved with AI. (Including Hardware and Programming Languages)
  • How AI is currently used
  • Future plans for AI
  • Ethical/moral issues with AI
All the websites that I have found are very complicated and it is difficult to find the exact information I need. Could anyone offer any help or advice as to what to add to this?

Thanks a lot.

Please note, I am not asking people to do my homework for me, I am simply asking for advice and help.

Edited by tiroshii, 06 September 2007 - 10:39 AM.

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You say you're not asking us to do your homework, yet you've stated everything you need and say the sites you've found are too complicated to understand. i would hope that you've been able to find a good bit of this on your own already. For example, languages used should be something you can determine through research without it being too complicated. If you were to post back with a specific question, maybe asking for clarification of something you've read, then we may be able to help you. As it is, your question is too broad and makes it appear as if you're unable to answer any of this. Go do more research and then come back if you're stuck on a particular issue.
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You say you're not asking us to do your homework, yet you've stated everything you need and say the sites you've found are too complicated to understand. i would hope that you've been able to find a good bit of this on your own already. For example, languages used should be something you can determine through research without it being too complicated. If you were to post back with a specific question, maybe asking for clarification of something you've read, then we may be able to help you. As it is, your question is too broad and makes it appear as if you're unable to answer any of this. Go do more research and then come back if you're stuck on a particular issue.

That's the exact problem. I spent hours searching on Google and such last night and found nothing regarding programming languages..

That is what I was asking, if anyone new any websites which covered the areas I was asked to cover..

So far I have tried Wikipedia and searched on Google the headings and other things.

So, I will rephrase my question as I was obviously too vague. Does anyone know of any good websites to find out about those areas I stated specifically? Am I looking in the wrong places?

I look forward to any feedback. :whistling:

P.S - Sari, I'm disappointed that you would think I would cheat. I believed that this website was designed to help others, not accuse them unfairly of cheating.

Edited by tiroshii, 06 September 2007 - 10:46 AM.

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What I would do is get a firm definition of AI. We know what it stands for but what do they really mean, robots that put cars together, computers that solve problems, or more human like robots?

Until you have a firm understanding of what kind of AI you are dealing with randomly looking through Google wont help.
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What I would do is get a firm definition of AI. We know what it stands for but what do they really mean, robots that put cars together, computers that solve problems, or more human like robots?

Until you have a firm understanding of what kind of AI you are dealing with randomly looking through Google wont help.

That is partly my problem, the project sheet said simply to Research Artificial Intelligence. Nothing more. So I presume that they want to know a basic overall definition. One of my Headings which I had to cover was 'How AI is currently used' Which I guess would be for all the many types of AI and it's uses.

The definition I found for AI is “The science and engineering of making intelligent machines".
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I never accused you of cheating. I simply pointed out that you didn't ask any specific questions - you basically just put your entire assignment in here and asked for help. This website is designed to help others, but as a mother of two school age daughters, I would expect them to do their own research and then ask for help on the specific parts they needed help on. You did not initially do that - you didn't give any information as to what you had found so far and what you didn't understand about that information.

Some AI programming languages
More info on AI

There are 2 sites I found pretty quickly, that both list Lisp, Prolog, and Java (and I checked the dates on the pages to make sure they were current).

This is an information page on the the American Association for Artificial Intelligence. It has links to a number of topics, such as Applications and Ethical and Social Implications.

Go off and do some reading. See if that helps.
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I never accused you of cheating. I simply pointed out that you didn't ask any specific questions - you basically just put your entire assignment in here and asked for help. This website is designed to help others, but as a mother of two school age daughters, I would expect them to do their own research and then ask for help on the specific parts they needed help on. You did not initially do that - you didn't give any information as to what you had found so far and what you didn't understand about that information.

Some AI programming languages
More info on AI

There are 2 sites I found pretty quickly, that both list Lisp, Prolog, and Java (and I checked the dates on the pages to make sure they were current).

This is an information page on the the American Association for Artificial Intelligence. It has links to a number of topics, such as Applications and Ethical and Social Implications.

Go off and do some reading. See if that helps.

Thank you very much.

May I ask what it was you typed to find these? And where? I searched for a logn time yet found nothing of use on Google.
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Artificial Intelligence programming languages
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Okay. Thanks a lot again and I will get back to reading through the links.
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Handed it in today, managed to get most of the info, Thanks a lot for the help :whistling:
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