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Lost photo files

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I was copying 1000's of photos from a laptop directly onto a camera....

I had right click/copied a folder (full of photos), went looking for the right place to drop them into, couldn't find it, but then upon returning to the desktop, the original folder was gone!

I then hit Paste on the desktop and all I got was an empty Shortcut to the folder. I never hit paste into the camera folder, it seems the folder just disappeared!

I did the usual tings to try and find them; undo, searching for the file names, searching for all photos on the system and they had completely vanished from the computer. The strange thing was that it happened instantaneously, waaay to fast for them to be actually deleted.

I even downloaded a basic recovery program and it was able to find a few hundred, but because it was just a trial version, the program woulndt let me open any of the thumbnails. So it seems the photos are somewhere, but just hidden or something! What the [bleep] happened?? Would a system restore work or anything? Its really weird, and its a huge pity cos the photos are all of my photos from my summer in California.

Can anyone advise the best file recovery program to pay for?

Or should I bring the laptop to somesort of specialist and pay them to do it?

Any help is much appreciated....
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I am somewhat confused. You were moving them back to the camera?

Anyways, try ZAR. It is a digital and data recovery program. I have used it successfully for digital cards. That is what the digital portion is meant for (digital memory cards). It might work on the HD. Also check out the help file for instructions on the digital portion.
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