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Wireless connecting locally only:

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  • PipPip
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I just bought a new Vista laptop and attempted to connect to the local public library network.

It connected, and showed a strong signal. I downloaded AVG anti-spyware and Spybot for protection, but before I could get any further, it shut down and gave me local access only.

In the Network Connection Center it shows a strong connection to the wireless network, but nothing to the internet.

I turned off all protection except spybot and tried again. No go.

Reset internet connection. Reset network adapter. Restart computer. Still local only.

I googled around and there seem to be plenty of people getting local only access (meaning, no internet), but nobody has a solution.

I did find some people who had success running the command: netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

I tried that - didn't work.

Someone else said it depends on the wireless router. I have no control over that - it's the library's.

Does anyone here have any idea what I can do? I really need the internet ASAP to download an ASP.NET development environment. (It installs directly from the site; I can't download it on a different computer and transfer.)

Help much appreciated!
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