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30 Year Continuous Power Laptop Battery

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Retired Tech

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Your next laptop could have a continuous power battery that lasts for 30 years without a single recharge thanks to work being funded by the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory. The breakthrough betavoltaic power cells are constructed from semiconductors and use radioisotopes as the energy source. As the radioactive material decays it emits beta particles that transform into electric power capable of fueling an electrical device like a laptop for years.

The best part about these cells are when they eventually run out of power they are totally inert and non-toxic, so environmentalists need not fear these high tech scientific wonder batteries. If all goes well plans are for these cells to reach store shelves in about 2 to 3 years.

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Although betavoltaic batteries sound Nuclear they’re not, they’re neither use fission/fusion or chemical processes to produce energy and so (do not produce any radioactive or hazardous waste).

I dont know if i would still want that on my lap.

I saw another article that says it will give you a 15% discount to Lead Apron.com

Edited by jaxisland, 02 October 2007 - 02:13 PM.

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    Je suis Napoléon!

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that's the niftiest thing ever...IF they get this to work for small scale batteries (laptops etc) then it won't be long before the same results can be seen in a scaled up version....to run...say a car....or your house
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Ehh.... beta decay.... I'm not exactly the type that wants subatomic particles sparking energy in my laptop :)
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Still, pretty cool though :)
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With the concerns of it on my lap aside, making this available for the larger scale would be great. But I would want to know what kind of byproducts are created in the manufacturing of them. They have to use materials and create waste to make the batteries, as long as that didnt have an impact on anything then I say make em bigger!
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I'm thinking it would be more useful for heavy applications like cars than laptops... I don't want a battery that has god knows what close to my... erm, lap. :)
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I think that a larger scale would be better for a battery powered car, or other uses, but whats the point in having a battery that lasts 30 years for a laptop, when a laptop will be out dated in 2-3 years, and someone will get a new laptop in 5- 7 years, and the batteries wont be able to be used in different systems, so you cant upgrade the laptop with getting a new battery. i say, make a batter powered car, or some other electrically powered device that will make a greater impact on reducing harmful chemical emissions.
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That's a really good point... though I doubt a car would last 30 years either. I think it would be most useful for houses and such, they would last long enough to guarantee maximum efficiency.
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most cars dont last 30 years, but think about all the co2 emmisions that leave your car for every gallon of gasonlinet hat you emit. or what about using the technology in desil engines in 18 wheelers. the point is to use the technology to reduce co2 and other emissions rather have the batter last longer, the use of a strong battery would push manufacturers to use either hybrids or all battery cars. i think if it was to be used to power homes, it would be put in at the power manufacturers end, hte point where the power plants or water damns put the electricity in, not for an individual home. but it would help.
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You're too geeky :)
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nah, too g33ky is having the license plate of "THE G33K"


see attached picture for proof!

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Wow, my 500th post was calling someone a geek! I rock at life! :)

I can't believe that's a real plate... I ought to get one of those :)
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:) Cool plate, but wasting it on a Ford Focus :)
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I got the used car for free, my mom is paying the monthly payments. it was picked personally by the owner of hte dealership that we got the car from, and the owner took a loss on selling us the car. my next car will be a mustang.

Thanks for the positive comments on the plate. i got the plate for my 17th birthday, in june of this year. if that doesnt classify someone as a geek, then what does??? lol
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