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Canada to criminalize identity theft

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The Canadian government plans to criminalize identity theft to give police the ability to stop such activity before any fraud has actually been carried out, Justice Minister Rob Nicholson said on Tuesday.

He said he would introduce legislation targeting the actual gathering and trafficking in credit card, banking and other personal data for the purposes of using it deceptively.

Identity fraud is already a crime in Canada, but gathering and trafficking in identity information generally is not.

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    Trusted Tech

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The Canadian government plans to criminalize identity theft to give police the ability to stop such activity before any fraud has actually been carried out, Justice Minister Rob Nicholson said on Tuesday.

He said he would introduce legislation targeting the actual gathering and trafficking in credit card, banking and other personal data for the purposes of using it deceptively.

Identity fraud is already a crime in Canada, but gathering and trafficking in identity information generally is not.


*Sigh, it's about time. People are stealing houses here, no I'm not kidding.
They steal them, sell them on the market and before the owner knows it, they don't own their house any more.
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