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Vista and internet

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I have Vista Home Premium, Intel Core 2 CPU 6700 @2.66GHz, with 1GB Ram, Nvidia GeForce 8600 GTS, 250 GB Hard Drive with 2 dvd drives

I also have a wireless stick to access the internet the modem is in another bedroom.

When I am on my computer I do not like to have the internet "on" all the time so I right click the icon in the tray and disconnect it. When I turn off my computer at night (the red x is on the computer icon in the tray) and turn it on in the morning it automatically connects to the internet. I did not have this happen when I had Windows XP.
Does anyone know how to turn this automatic thing off? I've been using Vista for a couple months and I am still not impressed (it came with my system)

Thanks for any/all help.
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Neil Jones

Neil Jones

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This feature was added in XP Service Pack 2 as part of a bug fix (as people didn't like having to connect manually to wireless networks when the key was saved and everything), so I presume it was carried over to Vista.

Your only real solution is to delete the security key when you don't want wireless access, though this of course kind of defeats the whole point of an always-on broadband internet connection but there you go :)
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This feature was added in XP Service Pack 2 as part of a bug fix (as people didn't like having to connect manually to wireless networks when the key was saved and everything), so I presume it was carried over to Vista.

Your only real solution is to delete the security key when you don't want wireless access, though this of course kind of defeats the whole point of an always-on broadband internet connection but there you go :)

Thank you for responding. I had XP Service Pack 2 with the same wireless connection and it never connected automatically when I started my computer. I can't find where to turn it off at so I just right click and close it that way. I don't like Vista (had no choice but to have it on my system) It isn't all that impressive to me. Thanks again for responding.
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Your only real solution is to delete the security key when you don't want wireless access, though this of course kind of defeats the whole point of an always-on broadband internet connection but there you go :)

Inappropriate comment removed.

Edited by Kat, 16 October 2007 - 09:01 PM.

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in your control panel.. under network and sharing.. you should have an option to "manage wireless networks" ..

In that panel you can choose the wireless network you have there (select and right click for properties).. and change the properties.. where you should be able to "uncheck" the connect automatically option.

I am assuming your using a laptop.. don't delete the security key (if you even have one in use)
When your laptop picks up a wireless signal it goes through a process of identification and then it gives you options to remember the signal and an option to connect to it automatically the next time your within range. You really gotta read things carefully before clicking ok.

Edited by PsychPosse, 16 October 2007 - 11:18 PM.

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in your control panel.. under network and sharing.. you should have an option to "manage wireless networks" ..

In that panel you can choose the wireless network you have there (select and right click for properties).. and change the properties.. where you should be able to "uncheck" the connect automatically option.

I am assuming your using a laptop.. don't delete the security key (if you even have one in use)
When your laptop picks up a wireless signal it goes through a process of identification and then it gives you options to remember the signal and an option to connect to it automatically the next time your within range. You really gotta read things carefully before clicking ok.

Oh my gosh what a great way to begin my day! Thank you very much for your time and help. I'm using a desk top with the wireless. I knew there had to be a way to shut off the automatic connect...thank you thank you thank you. :)
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Glad to be of help. :)
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