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Computer for the Poor

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    I R N0tSmRt

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I've gone through many forums on this site and I've have seen people give their computer specifications!
Mostly all of them have 1 gig ram or higher, 256 VGA Cards, 3 Ghz Processors, 80 GB and awesome sound systems! But as we lay about all the wealth we have, we must think of the poor as well! I mean don't they too get the chance to have some fun in this technological age?

I too have only a 64 MB VGA integrated card, 448 RAM, P4 2.40 GHZ, 20 GB---Compared to what computers i have seen on this site my computer is nothing and you all may say the why don't you simply stop whining and get an upgrade. The fact is I and many other people can't! My family is struggling to pay for my brothers university fees. They have to take loans and stuff. I would love to play a game like at least Transformers on my comp but sadly i can't. Many of you'll would have seen my previous posts where i'm asking for a good VGA but thats cause im saving little by little to buy one and want the retailers to keep one for me. (if i can do that).

But my story is nothing! Poor people don't even have computers that they can even work on! Here are some sites that are trying to make a difference! (thank god I'm happy with what i have! :) )

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