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computer problems?!

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Hi I posted last week about a problem I was having with a black screen, the only way i can turn my comp on and have it start up is to open the dvd drive!! Along with that i cant get any of my films etc onto dvd like I used to. When I use nero it keeps coming up with a box saying incompatible videos? windows dvd maker still isn't working properly,keeps stopping saying its trying to find a solution to the problem. The only thing I took off is roxia cos i was told that may be affecting it but that hasn't worked. Please help. I don't know what to do.
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Check the connections at the back of the DVD drive (with the PC off, of course!). Make sure power and data cables are pushed fully home. failing that, fit a new drive.
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can't believe that i've checked the cables, they're ok. but the comp is only 3 months old!!!!
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