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Vista blocks my antivirus from starting

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  • PipPip
  • 29 posts
I have to tell vista every time not to block the program. It won't let symantec live update run without permission every time either.
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  • Member
  • PipPipPip
  • 322 posts
It is Vista's UAC (User Account Control) function.
I have not figured out a way around it yet (as a standard account user). I am not sure there is a way around it, other than to log on as Administrator. Vista is advising against logging on and operating as Administrator, I suppose because of the higher risk of accidentally changing something that should not be changed. (but I logon as Admin anyway)
I did some checking and I can get to the panel to change the standard UAC function, but the only choices are to "prompt" or "deny".

Anyone else know any tricks?
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