New Apple ad
Started by
, Nov 21 2007 11:07 AM
Posted 21 November 2007 - 11:07 AM

Posted 21 November 2007 - 11:58 AM

maybe a little of plate A and a little of plate B? it's clever.....but it's a little silly.....the only reason apple is able to get away with their current ad campain is because they're on an upswing....how many more things could MS (or any other system maker) have used to mock apple with over the years? haven't MOST of apples OS revisions basically been cosmetic? when was the last time they implemented major new code releases? OSX?....i think it's a bit pushy..
whether you like MS or not...they're the reason why the home computer is where it is today....without MS there wouldn't be so many people sitting in their basement for HOURS on end developing new linux distros so that they've got other options...and apple would still be in the stone ages if it weren't for MS's constant upgrades...apple has a history of non-innovation unless they're pushed REALLY hard...they only came out with the IPOD because they were going down the toilet...and they've only made a success out of that because of the marketing that they did for it...
whether you like MS or not...they're the reason why the home computer is where it is today....without MS there wouldn't be so many people sitting in their basement for HOURS on end developing new linux distros so that they've got other options...and apple would still be in the stone ages if it weren't for MS's constant upgrades...apple has a history of non-innovation unless they're pushed REALLY hard...they only came out with the IPOD because they were going down the toilet...and they've only made a success out of that because of the marketing that they did for it...
Posted 21 November 2007 - 12:00 PM

That's pretty good.
Posted 21 November 2007 - 12:09 PM

I think the Apple ads have been pretty clever, but they seem to be getting more brash. Or is it desperate?
Ironically, talk to anyone that's installed Leopard, or look at any Apple forum. Leopard was far buggier than Vista at it's release. Only 3 weeks later, it has already had a major update. Leaving many issues unresloved. Yet they continue to jab at MS.
Apple's overall market share was about 4.5% in 2005, 5.5% on 2006, and will be about 6.5% the end of 2007. 20% gains are impressive, but the ~6% overall market share is not. This despite the fact they've sold over 100 million iPods, received tons of free press for the iPhone, and switched to Intel hardware that allows for faster, cheaper systems (that can also run Windows). Due to their small market share, they are not a frequent target of money hungry malware authors. Finally, Vista has recieved a lot of negative press. It seems to me this ought to be a 'perfect storm' for Apple to add some major market share. Yet they have not. Why?
Ironically, talk to anyone that's installed Leopard, or look at any Apple forum. Leopard was far buggier than Vista at it's release. Only 3 weeks later, it has already had a major update. Leaving many issues unresloved. Yet they continue to jab at MS.
Apple's overall market share was about 4.5% in 2005, 5.5% on 2006, and will be about 6.5% the end of 2007. 20% gains are impressive, but the ~6% overall market share is not. This despite the fact they've sold over 100 million iPods, received tons of free press for the iPhone, and switched to Intel hardware that allows for faster, cheaper systems (that can also run Windows). Due to their small market share, they are not a frequent target of money hungry malware authors. Finally, Vista has recieved a lot of negative press. It seems to me this ought to be a 'perfect storm' for Apple to add some major market share. Yet they have not. Why?
Posted 21 November 2007 - 12:26 PM

ever walked into an apple store?..*shudders*....i've been in places with hobos that are less pushyYet they have not. Why?
Posted 21 November 2007 - 01:14 PM

The ads are 100% desperation on Apple's part. They are trying to focus on any Vista negatives (remember that most of the "problems" that people experienced with Vista were during the BETA) to keep the media from talking about how horrible Leopard has been and how many people are having problems with it.
Those who know anything, know all those Mac ads are complete crap. They were funny at first, now its just pitiful.
Those who know anything, know all those Mac ads are complete crap. They were funny at first, now its just pitiful.
Posted 21 November 2007 - 01:18 PM

they don't have to worry too much about that...why would the media talk about an OS that 4 people are using?the media from talking about how horrible Leopard has been and how many people are having problems with it
Posted 21 November 2007 - 01:21 PM

Posted 21 November 2007 - 01:27 PM

batman uses a PC? nice!! and naked babies run linux?
Posted 21 November 2007 - 03:08 PM

I wouldn't say it's clever, there's nothing really clever about it. Just cheeky. Yeah they're making fun of Microsoft and its bugs. That's funny. But, personally, I don't see how it goes to far, or how it differs from the previous Mac ads, which were quite hostile and offensive towards Microsoft, and even Microsoft users.
I am not a big fan of Microsoft and their actions, but personally, I find Macs too expensive, and not worth the money. You might as well install Ubuntu with Beryl, and it would yield even better results from the OSX's and Leopard's 'magnificent interface' and take up less system resources.
Microsoft have a lot to improve in Vista, however, it is an OK Operating System, it has new features. Just like any new Operating System, it has bugs, and I dare say not less than its counterpart. Personally I don't want to try out a buggy operating system, that's just not my kind of fun, but when Microsoft release Service Pack 1 for Vista, I'll consider upgrading, and yes, I won't moan about the resources it takes up, because that's just the way that things are when you upgrade.
I am not a big fan of Microsoft and their actions, but personally, I find Macs too expensive, and not worth the money. You might as well install Ubuntu with Beryl, and it would yield even better results from the OSX's and Leopard's 'magnificent interface' and take up less system resources.
Microsoft have a lot to improve in Vista, however, it is an OK Operating System, it has new features. Just like any new Operating System, it has bugs, and I dare say not less than its counterpart. Personally I don't want to try out a buggy operating system, that's just not my kind of fun, but when Microsoft release Service Pack 1 for Vista, I'll consider upgrading, and yes, I won't moan about the resources it takes up, because that's just the way that things are when you upgrade.
Posted 30 November 2007 - 09:39 AM

http://www.pcmag.com...,2223921,00.asp give that a read...this guy isn't happy hehe
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