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Can someone tell me how I can get a page(any page) on the Internet to
refresh automatically every 5 minutes. I was thinking along the lines of
having a HTML file on my C-drive with JavaScript to do so. Or using metatags...

Any help? Especially how to do this..not just the code

I ended up doing some research and doing this:

Normal HTML page with an iFrame containing the page source, and

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="300">

Is there a better way to do this?

Edited by MaverickSidewinder, 29 November 2007 - 07:30 AM.

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Hello MaverickSidewinder,

The meta refresh is for when you develop web pages. I'm sure you are talking about general internet browsing, correct?

Opera has this functionality built right into its browser.

Avant Browser also has built-in auto-refresh functionality.

For Firefox, you can use ReloadEvery

For IE, you'd have to use a frameset and javascript to reload the page. From experts-exchange.com:

One way you can get around this is to write code in a "launcher" page that pushes open a new browser window containing a "remote-control" HTML page. In this remote control page, put Javascript that uses a combination of setTimeout and window.opener.location to refresh the original browser window at specified intervals. The core remote-control code woud look something like:

var refreshInterval = 20; // refresh interval in minutes
var watchURL = "http://www.thisurl.com"; // URL to automatically refresh
refreshInterval = refreshInterval * 60000 // multiply times 60000 milliseconds to get the interval in units that Javascript understands
setTimeout('window.opener.location=(watchURL, refreshInterval);

You could combine this code with a very simple form, where you enter the URL to monitor and click the submit button, and the main browser window opens to that page and automatically reloads it at the specified interval.


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Thanks Ax!

I actually needed to do that for a certain page, so my method worked well. But thanks for the info, very helpful, will download the firefox addon
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No problem at all, glad to share the information.
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