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Which OS would you recommend?

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    Semper Paratus: Always Ready

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Is it just me, or are people forgetting about Windows 2000 Professional? This was an excellent OS... Windows ME just never worked properly for me :)

Nope - Have not forgotten about Win2K Pro - was a great replacement OS for a defunct 98 OS - Its just that I heard that Win2K is getting to the end of its life cycle, and I don't know if you can still get updates for this OS - I think that you can still, but I may be wrong :)

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I have to admit, I would merely assume that you couldn't get any more updates for an OS that old :)

But to the point, if your hardware is up to it, then Vista get's the thumbsup from me - I love it!
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    Semper Paratus: Always Ready

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I have to admit, I would merely assume that you couldn't get any more updates for an OS that old :)

But to the point, if your hardware is up to it, then Vista get's the thumbsup from me - I love it!


I agree :) Vista looks awesome, and I have tried it and I like it too :)

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I've had Windows 98 until the end of 2006, and been on XP for the past 12 months, and let me tell you that XP is much better than 98, now as far as Vista is concern, not sure since I haven't had it myself, but from what I've heard Vista isn't a good OS. It depends on what you think is the best and what works for you.
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I have Vista Home Premium on my desktop and XP MCE on my laptop and I'm happy with both. I don't see what all the Vista bashers are talking about. So far its run very stable for me. Just had to up my RAM to 2GB but I wanted to do that anyway. It was more about become familiar with where everything is, thats all but now I'm very happy with it.

One thing I learned when I used to sell cars was that people do NOT like change. Whenever GM would change to a different model design, particularly with trucks, the backlash for the first year was unbearable. But after that things would simmer down and all of a sudden everyone had to have one. Does anyone remember when the first Avalanche came out? The [bleep] thing drove and rode like a dream but nobody could get used to the look. All that vinyl cladding just made everyone sick but holy cow, you never had to worry about all the rock bashing and rust that would effect the most vulnerable part of the vehicle because of it. But it's all about the look, isn't it?

Anyway, same thing with Vista too. People just aren't familiar and comfortable with it yet and some are just too set in thier ways to try. I'm not sure if I can justify the price difference betweem Premium and Ultimate though. As far as I can tell, the only real difference is backup and restore features and some other business aps.

Sorry, I didn't think Removed was cussing, wont do it again. :)

Edited by ScHwErV, 18 January 2008 - 07:40 AM.
Do not try to get around the bad word filter

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I don't see what all the Vista bashers are talking about.

People don't like change. When there is a issue with a new OS, people are quick to blame the OS rather then look for a fix.

Edited by james_8970, 17 January 2008 - 10:39 PM.

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I've used Vista... all the way from Beta up until recent times. I've tried it again and again, and I just plain don't like it. Am I old and resistant to change? Maybe. However, I just PREFER XP Pro. :) What does Vista offer me that I can't get with XP? Nothing, really. What does XP have over Vista? The fact that it works with ALL my software and hardware, that's what.
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I've used Vista from the Beta release through the final release and am now testing the SP1 Beta release. I love Vista.

Maybe it's the challenge of learning a new system and all it's intricacies. Maybe it's the way it manages files and system resources. Maybe it's just because I like being out on the edge. Who knows? All of my applications and hardware works fine on Vista...I won't be moving back to XP.
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I like vista and I think when you do your home work with drivers and things of that nature it works as well as any operating system even on my older hardware, a tad slower than XP with 1 gig of ram but that can be expected. I like the security features don't have to be as worried about spyware and overall security as much
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Stinky Britches

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My 2 cents -and that's all it's worth- is that I'm going to SuSe Linux, which I purchased on eBay just tonight. I'm more bitter at HP for their hijinx than at MS for their OS. After a System Recovery on my HP Pavilion running Win XP Home left me with a System Configuration Error - Call HP - Code Purple and their "we don't care, it's out of warranty" attitude, I will never use MS or buy HP again. And I've owned 4 HP Desktop PC's, multiple HP printers, 2 HP cameras, 3 HP all-in-ones...we even have a HP big screen TV. HP put in a lovely feature that does not allow you to reload your OS off the back-up disks you made the day you took your PC out of the box if any changes have been made to the PC after the disks were made. Nice, huh? So I have a $600 Pavilion (4 years old) gathering dust. And the reason I bought that PC was MS saying they were abandoning Win98. So I sold a perfectly good system, then they provided support for the Win98 OS for another 4 years. Thanksalot! Heck with them, I'm going Linux. And from now on I'll build my own PC's. -grumble grumble- Thanks for letting me rant! LOL!
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My 2 cents -and that's all it's worth- is that I'm going to SuSe Linux, which I purchased on eBay just tonight.

I am confused :)

I thought the "open" part of opensuse meant, basically, that it was a free deal.

I know I sure didn't pay for it and I have it installed. (Linux has a long way to go but I applaud the endeavor thus far)

One day there will be a new OS again and people will be hating it and saying: "why can't they just stick with Vista's style!!"

I think you have to be a versatile individual to succeed today, especially with the technology our future holds.

Of course Vista has some bugs, so did XP when it first came out (and every other OS). It's a "machine"; a man made piece of technology - it is destined to be imperfect.

Vista Ultimate is Awesome! :)
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Stinky Britches

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Yes, you are right. I found out later that many variations of the Linux based OS may be downloaded online at no charge. Which is fine if you have the capability of doing so in a timely fashion. Oddly enough, while reading through an online tutorial at linuxdotorg to familiarize myself with the world of Linux OS's, (this particular how-to was on the installation of Debian GNU/Linux) the author wrote that the 'free' associated with these OS's meant 'freedom'. They meant that users may make changes and contribute to the project, and commented that due to the efforts/man hours put into these projects they are actually far from 'free'. Kind of like the old 'there is no free lunch' cliche. Even to download a 'free' OS you have probably paid for a PC, are paying for your online service, the electricity to power your PC, the cost of a DVD, the value of your time blah blah blah. I understand where the writer was coming from and I understand what you are saying too. IMHO, the writer of the article was splitting hairs. But every party needs a kill-joy LOL ! Any way, the OS I bought on eBay cost something like $1.95 and under $5.00 S/H. Live and learn / let the buyer beware. I think the biggest cost to me is going to be the effort I'm going to have to put into learning the installation how-to and basics of handling my new SuSe OS. But something I've learned with the world of PC's: there is always something to learn!
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If I were you I'd pick XP. The reason why is because if your graphics card isn't supported by Vista then you can't get those glass windows and all that I-candy which is probably the biggest reason you want Vista. I had a friend who built a good gaming machine and his aero glass windows wouldn't work. So after he went through all the trouble of finding out why it didn't work he discovered his graphics card wasn't supported by Vista. So he just went back to XP. But if I were you I'd wait about 1 to 2 years for Vista it'll come around it's being updated all the time. Also more and more hardware is being accepted into the the "VISTA WORLD". Also this is a good review of Vista Review of Vista
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Doctor Inferno

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Well, I would either go for XP or Vista.

XP because, there are more old and compatible softwares for it, it also eats less system resources.

Vista because of it nice interface, and it's DX10 feature.
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Hmmm. I have an older Asus board with an XP2500+ Athlon. It has an older AGP Radeon 9800 Pro for a video card. I beefed up the RAM and I'm running Vista Premium on it. Windows reported my new updates including a driver upgrade for my vid card on Vista. When I installed it I lost all my AERO features and wasn't allowed to reset them. Wasn't until I installed an older version of the driver, the one for XP, that I recovered those features. How's that for a glich. :) :)
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