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I found Geekstogo and finished logging in. What a Site! This is my problem. I'm 51 yrs old and starting to learn how to use this time machine my neighbors kid built for me(my desk top). He's left for college break and I'm stuck with "fax.msi". I signed up w/ eFax and this thing keeps popping up. Maybe HP and this company have it out for each other. Maybe MicroSoft is in the middle of it somewhere? Whatever, When I turn this thing on I'm told to insert a disk I don't have to confg my fax? I have a pass word (stumbeled onto to itm w/ a HKEY thing((N019Q6O8N56S607OSPQ98506N0SQR861)) but I wouldn't know a 0 from a O or a o. Can Somebody help me make this thing go away?
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Hi Ideahorizon and welcome to Geeks to Go!

You can try looking at the following link and see if anything there helps:
Computing.Net - Fixed Fax msi no valid source found

Otherwise, it may behoove you to supply us with more details, such as what the error message says.


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