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Ols Skool

Ols Skool


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Hi Guys

Hope everyone is getting ove the festive seasons over endulgenses.

Does anyone know how i can tag (i think that he right term) - add names / correct tiltes to mp3 files rather than the unsorted 1 to 15 i have down loaded.

I did start manually but its taken ages to do - there must be a good program outthere that sorts them for you - tried fix tunes but not over imprerssed as it left the track names off some of the files. Removed

Look forward to your replies

cheers for now

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Sorry, we do not provide 'cracked' links for members in recommendations. Though, there is a way to do so even without a standalone program.

Open My Computer, and navigate to the folder where all the songs you want to edit are stored.

Select all (CTRL+A) and right click. Select Properties.

Select the Summary tab, and choose Advanced >>>.

Type in the album name, and the artist (whatever you want to rename) and select OK.

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    Trusted Tech

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Tag & Rename is not freeware. I have used this program for years in Windows and it has been worth every penny I paid for it. The author provide all the support I ever needed and has provided updates as they have come available for the last five years. At $30 IMO it's a good deal.
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