I apologize if this has been answered in the past but I did a quick search and couldn't find any threads. (Not for Vista anyway)
Recently I've been getting a 2-3 second sutter when playing video/music. My computer is a Dell 32 bit Vista Home Premium.
My computer has been working fine except for the past couple days. The only thing that could of remotely offset the system is when I was screwing around with my d-link wireless network drivers, however that has nothing to do with music or video.
I've searched around the net and found people having the same problem. Some believe svchost.exe is causing spikes. I came across this forum, so I'm hoping someone can help me.
My geforce 8600gt and other drivers are all updated aswell.
I'll be the first to admit that I don't know alot about this kind of stuff, so I'd appreciate your help! Thanks.