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Ubuntu 7.10 booting problem

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  • PipPipPip
  • 254 posts
I just downloaded Ubuntu 7.10 to put onto my computer. It booted up fine the first time, and when I went to install it, when it asked what partition to install it to and junk, I noticed my HDD wasn't actually plugged in :). So I turned my computer off and plugged it in, but now Ubuntu won't startup. It goes to the boot screen where it asks me what to do (run and intstall Ubuntu, run memory test, etc), but when I select to run it, it just goes to a black screen with an underscore flashing in the top left corner of the screen.
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  • PipPipPip
  • 254 posts
Okay, I just went to bed coz I got frusterated. In the morning it worked perfectly fine.

This is confusing, but i'm still happy :)
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