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Cyberhive needs business logo.

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What company, or person, can create a company logo for Cyberhive? It's going to be a computer repair/build/maintenance type place.

Any and all information will be greatly appreciated.


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Heya Magus
Well, I create graphics and logos for personal use and for individuals who ask me to do so. I have got a small portfolio, but it represents a range of styles.

I mean, one thing I've made is my avatar (though it's a part of a much larger illustration). Hardly a company logo, but yeah. I can work with graphical programmes, and a pen and pencil :).

Depending on what you exactly want, I can do it either really cheap or maybe even free. Of course I'd need some more information from you. If you're interested (or just want to know more, and see more of what I've done), you can send me an email at:

(that's to avoid spambots picking up on my address)

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Hey Magusbuckley,

There are thousands of graphic design companies out there, most of them available on the web. You might want to check around and see which style you like.

I am also a graphic design student (2nd year), have worked for design companies and have won awards in the field as well. If you would like to send me your concepts and ideas I would be glad to have a look at them for you. Depending on the size of the project and your requirements we can discuss the price.

Just send me a pm and i'll send you my email address as well as the link to my online portfolio.

Edited by BlackHalo, 07 February 2008 - 07:43 AM.

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