Hello! I am having problems with I am assuming Windows Vista. First of all the computer runs really slow, especially when I am on the net....I have dsl so this shouldn't be a problem. I have had these problems despite multiple system restores. When I am for instance on the internet and I click on a link the window opens but nothing appears in the new window. Sometimes it will even have the address bar in the top of the window with a website address that I was previously on at some point or other. Also, If I have a couple windows open and try to right click on something be it to copy, paste, save as....etc... it will not do anything, I click and it just sits there doesn't open the window or nothing. Sometimes I can fix this by closing a window or two but most times I have to shut down and restart the computer. It doesn't make sense to me because this is a new computer and I am not overloading it with open windows, I mean it should be able to handle many open windows and tabs not just 1 or 2. Well, I guess that is it for now or at least I can't think of anything else other than I really hate windows vista!! Oh yeah, also how do I run the program which lets you decide which programs are in your start up?
Thanks! Kellie