If you need to include an image of some kind in a post you are making, whether it's a new topic or a reply to an existing topic, do the following:
- Start your new post or reply
- Look below and to the right of the message input area and you will see Browse and Upload buttons.
- Click on the Browse button to navigate to the image on your computer you wish to post here. Select the image and click on the Open button. The full path to the image file will be shown in the input area to the left of the Browse button.
- Click on the UPLOAD button and the file will be uploaded to G2G. Once it's uploaded, it will appear in the "Manage Current Attachments(n) drop-down box above the Browse and Upload buttons.
- Click on the drop-down box and select the image you want (you can upload more than one) then click on the icon to the left that looks like a piece of paper with a green cross on it. That will place an attachment= entry in your post.
The primary reason for this is to spare our dial-up users from having to download large images that they may not want to see in the first place. They can look at the thumbnail and if interested, click on it as above to see the full image.
Here are two example images I created for this FAQ: