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Trouble Viewing Video Online

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  • PipPip
  • 21 posts
Hi, I've been having some trouble viewing certain videos online. I find it most frequently whenever I try to watch particular videos on YouTube, and I can never watch any highlights on NBA.com, and MLB.com. There could be more, but those are the ones I've noticed. On YouTube, it asks me to download the newest version of Adobe or Macromedia flash player, but whenever I try and do that, it won't let me at all. And on the two sports websites, I can't view anything at all. Any feedback would be great, I really have no clue if it's a missing codec, or even some sort of bug on my computer. Thanks alot!
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  • Member
  • PipPipPip
  • 226 posts
First of all, what browser are you running? You may want to try Firefox if you have not already, or try using Internet Explorer 7. If a small box pops up when you load NBA.com or MLB.com asking if you would like to run a certian process or any other type of program I would allow it on these sites. If you try either browser attempt to install both of the add ons from the add on site from the developer of the browser, such as Mozilla, and not from the direct developer.

If problems persist it may be a problem with a firewall or an Anti-Virus program. If so please reply back.
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