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VISTA Upgrade?

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Here's a nice general question for you all. I have always been told to avoid OS upgrades. I'll admit that I wasn't completely satisfied with a XP Home upgrade that I did to my Win ME (a long time ago on a tiny Gateway), but I blamed that on ME. Thinking back now, it was probably a lack of RAM.

I actually like my Vista Business (full version) on my laptop, but I'm wondering about the performance of a VISTA Home Premium upgrade to an XP Med. Center (not mine). The computer is more than capable. Some of you must have tried one. Any known issues? Lemme know what you think. THANX
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    The hippie freak computer geek

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My computer is an upgrade from XP home to Vista home premium.
It works great. I can actualy use some programs that my wife's full version can not. Yet I have full function of Vista.
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Neil Jones

Neil Jones

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Main thing to think about when you upgrade:
If the Windows you use now has "issues", then upgrading it will probably not fix those issues. It may make them worse.
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